At The Women's Centre for Well Being we listen to your needs and offer you what we feel is the best treatment for your problem. We know it is important for you to be informed of your condition and options. This allows us to partner with you for the highest quality of care. Following is a listing of the most common problems that we see, including some of the possible treatments.
Abnormal Pap smears: This is a common problem that we deal with due to the HPV virus. Dr. Eads evaluates these by colposcopy (looking at the cervix through an instrument similar to a large microscope) in the office. If there is significant dysplasia (pre-cancer), this can be easily treated by a LEEP procedure with local anesthesia in the office. This procedure removes minimal tissue, therefore decreasing concern for future pregnancies if desired. Dr. Eads has performed these in the office for 14 years, preventing the need for general anesthesia, IVs, and time off of work or school. These also require much less out-of-pocket costs for you since this is an office procedure and not a surgical procedure.
Adolescent exams: We feel that it is important that young ladies start their exams at 18 years of age, or earlier if they are dating. This is a good time to evaluate and treat menstrual problems such as irregular periods, painful periods, and sexual issues. Even though parents try to be open with their children about the need for contraception and the risks of sex, adolescents frequently are reluctant to discuss this with their parents. We can do a gentle examination and discuss these risks with the girls in confidence. Joanne Evans-Lewis is especially interested in adolescent care.
We also encourage the H.P.V. vaccine ( for all ladies from 9-26 years of age. Studies have shown that this vaccine may markedly reduce cervical cancer, abnormal Pap smears, and genital warts.
Breast problems: Any breast problem can be scary for you and we will get you into the office quickly to evaluate these. The majority are benign problems, but we are very sensitive to your concerns. If it is not benign, breast cancer caught early has well over a 90% cure rate. We work closely with local radiologists for evaluation and management of breast masses. We also aggressively evaluate nipple discharge or blood.
Contraception: We offer multiple types of contraception including the newest of birth control pills with lower doses and lower side effects, Depo-Provera injection, the NuvaRing (, the IUDs [including Mirena ( which also decreases bleeding and ParaGard (] and Implanon which is implanted under the skin in the office and effective for three years.
Endometriosis: This condition is a special concern for us at The Women's Centre for Well Being. It is a common cause of pain as well as infertility, in which there may be no pain. It is frequently not seen on ultrasound, CAT scan or even MRI scan. Endometriosis can be diagnosed and treated through out-patient laparoscopy.
The da Vinci robot ( has revolutionized endometriosis treatment! With the superior 3D vision and ability to magnify up to 14 times many endometriotic implants can be seen which were not visible with the regular laparoscopy. The precision with the small instruments allows complete excision which is now the "gold standard treatment".
It is present in as many as 40% of cases of infertile women. If treated early before extensive scarring, the outcome is much better!
Fibroids: These are muscle growths in the uterus which are usually benign. We offer medical treatment (temporary but frequently effective in patients desiring pregnancy), hysteroscopic resection (if affecting the uterine lining), and myomectomy (removing the fibroids but leaving the uterus). The da Vinci technique allows removal of the fibroid(s) with accurate closure of the uterus. This is an out-patient surgery with return to work within one week.
Dr. Eads also offers an alternative to radiological uterine artery embolization. The same effect can be performed via laparoscopy by placing clips on the uterine arteries. This is much more accurate than the radiological approach and allows visual evaluation of the fibroids and biopsy if suspicious for cancer. This also allows treatment of endometriosis which is frequently associated with fibroids.
Hormone imbalances: We offer many possible regimens tailored to your unique needs, including bioequivalent hormones. We utilize a thorough blood hormone evaluation to diagnose the problem. Dr. Eads is a NAMS (North American Menopause Society) certified Menopause Practitioner. He is the only one holding this certification north of downtown Houston. This requires a formal test of knowledge and continuing education in hormone usage and options.
We are very interested in subtle thyroid imbalances and use different values than most labs. We also offer a natural thyroid replacement.
Hysterectomy: When a hysterectomy is needed, Dr. Eads performs the majority of these through the laparoscope (see Minimally Invasive Surgery). However, if a woman has had previous Cesarean birth(s) and has an unsightly scar or excessive skin at the site of the incision, a "tummy tuck" can be performed at the same time. Dr.Eads works with plastic surgeons to perform this. However, if utilizing a plastic surgeon for a full tummy tuck is too expensive, Dr. Eads can perform a "mini-tummy tuck" through wide scar revision at the time of the hysterectomy. The majority of times this will remove most of the overlapping skin.
Please see below under Minimally Invasive Surgery for further information.
Infertility: Approximately 15% of couples will have problems conceiving. We understand the stress and frustration that infertility causes in a couple. The problem is as likely to be the man as the woman. We offer evaluation of the man as well as the woman. This usually involves a simple semen analysis.
There is a common association of infertility with endometriosis in women and can be diagnosed and treated by laparoscopy. Most ovulatory problems can be easily treated.
We offer diagnosis as well as treatment in our office. Dr. Eads has been treating infertility for 25 years. If higher levels of treatment, such as IVF, are needed we work closely with an excellent reproductive specialist.
Laser surgery: Dr. Eads has performed over 3,000 laser procedures, including laparoscopy as well as laser of the vagina and vulva. This is used for endometriosis, HPV infections including condyloma (venereal warts), and dysplasia (pre-cancer).
Menopause and perimenopause management: This is a very important time in a woman's life and requires a thorough analysis of your unique needs. We strongly believe in bioequivalent, FDA approved hormones to assure you of quality and consistency.
Menstrual disorders and heavy menses: These conditions can be a sign of abnormalities such as hormonal imbalance, fibroids, polyps, or even cancer. These can be evaluated in the office by specialized ultrasound (sonogram). Endometrial ablation to decrease or stop the menses (90% effective) can be performed in our office. Dr. Eads performs HTA thermoablation (, HerOption cryoablation (, and NovaSure radiofrequency ablation (
Offering these in the office eliminates general anesthesia, IV lines, and down time. These can be performed on a Friday, back to normal home activities that day and return to work on Monday. There is minimal post-procedure cramping usually controlled with Motrin. Ablations have decreased the need for hysterectomies in many women and are usually covered by insurance with less out-of-pocket expense to you.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: This includes advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery. Dr. Eads has been performing these procedures including laparoscopic hysterectomy and/or removal of ovaries for 20 years. There are several small incisions approximately 1/4-1/2 inches long.
This type of surgery has much less discomfort and can usually be performed on an out-patient basis or a single overnight stay. This allows a much quicker return to normal activities including work if you desire. Dr. Eads performs 90% of hysterectomies this way and most patients return to driving within 7 days and work within 1-2 weeks depending upon the degree of lifting.
Dr. Eads may recommend the use of the daVinci® robot to facilitate the laparoscopic surgery. This $1.7 million high tech robot is entirely and continuously guided by Dr. Eads to allow more safe laparoscopic procedures. See for more information.
Advanced hysteroscopic surgery includes removal of polyps, fibroids, intrauterine scarring (Asherman's syndrome), removal of lost or embedded IUDs as well as resection of a congenital septum on an out-patient basis. He uses the Smith and Nephew resectascope. There are only two hospitals in the Houston area that have this device.
Office procedures: Many procedures previously requiring general anesthesia (going to sleep) can be performed in our office safely and with minimal discomfort. These include hysteroscopy, cystoscopy, the Essure procedure for permanent sterilization, endometrial ablations, colposcopy, Leep cone biopsy of the cervix, and pelvic ultrasounds.
Ovarian cysts: Simple ovarian cysts are relatively common in young women under 35 years of age. If necessary, these can usually be safely removed through the laparoscope on an out-patient basis. The risk of cancer in these cysts increases with age so it is important that cysts be evaluated.
Ovarian cysts can also be a sign of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This condition can cause irregular menses, infertility, extra hair growth, or problems losing weight. It can be diagnosed by laboratory tests and an in-office ultrasound. (see the Patient Education page for a link for more information on this condition)
Pelvic masses: Masses can range from fibroids to ovarian masses. Most of these can be removed through the laparoscope on an out-patient basis. Although most masses are benign, it is important that they be evaluated to rule out cancer.
Pelvic pain: This condition can be short or long term. It is frequently associated with endometriosis and adhesions. There are various treatment options depending on the cause. Laparoscopy can be used for diagnosis and treatment. Adhesions (internal scarring) can also be treated by laparoscopy.
Pregnancy Care: With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Eads offers obstetric care to all types of patients including high risk. We want this time to be very special and care about your individual needs. Dr. Eads delivers exclusively at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital which has a beautiful, well-staffed and family friendly maternity unit. It also has a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit just in case this is needed. This usually means that your baby can stay close to you instead of being transported to another hospital if premature or has other problems after delivery.
Preventive Care: "Routine" exams form the basis of good health care. Unknown problems can be diagnosed and treated. This is also a perfect time to discuss aspects of great health!
Sexual problems: These can range from painful intercourse, which can represent problems such as endometriosis or pelvic masses, to problems with desire. Decrease in desire (libido) is a common problem and can lead to stress in your relationship. There are hormonal and non-hormonal causes. We offer an extensive array of hormone tests to help in the diagnosis and offer treatment tailored to you.
Sexually transmitted infections: These include H.P.V. (a cause of abnormal Pap smears, cervical cancer, and venereal warts), Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomonas, as well as other less common infections. It is important that these be diagnosed accurately due to the risk of serious pelvic damage including problems conceiving at present and in the future (sterility).
Sterilization: Dr. Eads performs out-patient laparoscopic tubal sterilization with minimal recovery. Frequently this procedure is performed on Friday with return to work on Monday.
There is also the option of in-office insertion of Essure ( for permanent sterilization. This procedure has essentially no recovery period after the day of insertion, with return to normal activities the following day. This has been called the "female vasectomy" due to the minimal discomfort of the procedure and rapid recovery.
Tubal (sterilization) reversal: The most common types of sterilization can be reversed with excellent results. Once the tubal is reversed, then the tubes usually stay open for as many pregnancies as you desire. This procedure is either out-patient or a single overnight stay.
Ultrasound (or sonogram): Ultrasound, abdominal and endovaginal are offered in our office. Dr. Eads also performs specialized saline infusion ultrasound to outline problems inside the uterus including fibroids, polyps, and cancer.
Ultrasound is very helpful in evaluating pain, masses, abnormal bleeding and cysts.
Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Relaxation: Especially after having children, the pelvic support tissue can become stretched allowing the bladder and rectum to prolapse into the vagina. This can create urine loss, inability to empty the bladder completely, a feeling of pelvic pressure, frequency of urination, and/or a lack of sensation with sexual intercourse.
Many women accept this as a natural part of aging, but it is not. It can interfere with normal activities and cause embarrassment.
There are many new treatments including meshes which have been used for abdominal hernias for years. These are not the same procedures as your grandmother or mother had, and promise long term success! We also offer urodynamic testing and cystoscopy in the office to help in the selection of the best approach for you and to help rule out serious problems such as bladder tumors.
A recent NIH panel found fewer than half of patients report urinary or fecal incontinence to their healthcare providers. This number is estimated at more than 20 million! These situations are not normal and do not have to be tolerated.
Urinary tract disorders: Many women have urinary complaints including urgency, frequency or blood in their urine. This includes women with Interstitial Cystitis ( which can be diagnosed and treated in the office. Various bladder anti-spasmodic medications can be given and Dr.Eads is certified in the insertion of an implantable device in patients for whom the medications are ineffective or have too many side effects.
Vaginal infections: Vaginal infections are a common cause of discomfort. These need to be accurately diagnosed. We read our own slides for accuracy and to make the diagnosis as quickly as possible; cultures can be sent off if necessary. Examination is necessary to rule out sexually transmitted infections, including Herpes.
Weight problems: This can be a problem with being underweight but more commonly overweight. We work with you on diet and exercise as well as selectively using medications when necessary. It is important for you to realize that medication alone will not solve the problem.
Please visit our Patient Education page for information on many conditions we treat.
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